A community supported not-for-profit socio-cultural association


BFU-USA Membership

Membership Overview

Membership in BFU-USA is voluntary, and is open to all persons who by birth or other relationship are natives of, friends of, well wishers of, or otherwise affiliated with, Bui Division and are residing in the USA. When you become a BFU-USA member, you can:

  1. Vote in elections for officers of the union
  2. Participate in the BFU-USA Family Assistance Program (FAP)
  3. Participate in the BFU-USA PATHWAYS education initiative as needed
  4. Get discounts on National Convention registration if annual dues are paid on time
  5. Get access to discounts from BFU-USA partners

You don't have to be in a state where there's an official BFU-USA Chapter Presence to become a member. A person desirous of belonging to BFU-USA and resident at a location without a Chapter shall affiliate/seek membership at any chapter that is geographically closest to his/her place of residence.

Membership Dues

BFU-USA is a member supported organization. Membership dues are used to fund our initiatives in Culture, Education, and Health, as well as fund the day to day operating expenses of the organization. Membership dues are supplemented by generous donations from our partners, supporters, and members. To become a member, you must:

  1. Pay a one time registration fee of $25. New members must also select a Chapter affiliation.
  2. Pay annual membership dues of $70. Annual dues are due by December 31st each year for the preceding year's membership. For example, membership dues for the fiscal year 2030 must be received by the 31st of December, 2029. That is, dues are paid in advance.

BFU-USA Bylaws

About Us


Contact Us

Our very able COO, Ju, is willing and eager to answer any questions that you may have about our organization.